Řetězec BestByte je ryze maďarskou
společností. Od začátku roku 2012
prošel mnoha změnami, protože vedení
chtělo dosáhnout úspěchu novým mo-
delem služeb a vybudováním vlastních
obchodů. O změnách jsme hovořili se
Sándorem Vékásem, generálním ředite-
lem, a Attilou Kovácsem, marketingovým
ak BestByte vznikl? A jaký byl jeho obchodní mo-
BestByte stál na počátku na programu Sulinet, který vy-
tvořila maďarská vláda s cí lem motivovat rodiny k náku-
pu IT techniky. Spotřebitelé mohli po koupi zařízení zažá-
dat o vrácení daně z přidané hodnoty. Poté, co program
skončil, založili partneři velkoobchodu Ramiris, kteří se
účastnili Sulinetu, partnerskou síť BestByte. Na počátku
nešlo o striktní asociaci prodejců, ale dnes už jde o uza-
vřenou spolupráci daných subjektů. Celý systém byl řízen
několika lidmi, přičemž tato struktura byla vyhovující po
sedm let. Loni v květnu přišly změny s cí lem vytvořit no-
vou strukturu. Dnes se management skládá z deseti pro-
The BestByte chain, a company fully
owned by Hungarians, went through
a lot of changes in the beginning of
2012. The management wanted to reach
success with a new service model and
with company’s own shops. We talked
with Vékás Sándor, general manager,
and Kovács Attila, marketing manager,
about the changes.
ow was BestByte established? And what was
its business model?
The BestByte was based on Sulinet program, which
was a created by the Hungarian government to sup-
port families to buy IT products. Consumers could get
a tax refund after they bought an IT product. After the
program ended the partners of the wholesale compa-
ny Ramiris who participated in Sulinet established the
Best Byte partner network. It was a not a strict asso-
ciation of dealers in the beginning but nowadays it is
a closed cooperation. The whole system was managed
by several people and this structure worked for seven
years. Last May preparations for of the new structure
started. Nowadays the management consists of more
than ten professionals, we own two shops and we have
92 partner stores and this number is constantly rising.
Currently, we have partners, which are entering the
network in four big cities.
Why do you need your own shops?
To build a strong network it is essential to have a uni-
form look. We can proudly say that our two Best Byte+
shops in the capital are among the most advanced and
beautiful stores in Hungary. The shops are a kind of
example for the joining dealers and they belong to the
favorite presentation places of our suppliers. By the
end of next year we would like to rebuild 20-25 shops
according to the „BestByte + concept”. Those stores
will mainly focus on consumer electronics and IT, but
major and small domestic appliances will be sold there
as well. They will also represent the BestByte promises
in term of services.
Previously only IT and consumer electronics prod-
ucts were available in your shops, weren’t they?
Yes. The Best Byte+ store model made it possible to
deal with white goods as well. We wanted to show to
our partners that we can operate as a real retail chain.
Nevertheless our portfolio also needed this category.
We currently work on bringing white goods into more
stores which are part of our network during this year.
We have several partners, who are going to rebuild
Vytváření trendů
a budování značky
Creating trends
and building brand
44 • Sell • Říjen 2013